• Kostenloser Versand ab 60 €!
  • Anmelden und 10% Rabatt erhalten
  • Kundendienst: customercare@reef.eu


Free of charge for orders above € 60 | For orders under € 60:
  • For delivery addresses in The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and Austria: € 5

Always shipping costs, regardless of the order amount:

  • For delivery addresses in France: € 7,50
  • For delivery addresses in Czech Republic and Poland: € 10
  • For delivery addresses in Denmark, Finland and Sweden: € 20

As a rule, an order will be offered by us within 24 hours and within subsequent working days for shipment at DHL. After your order has been picked up by DHL you will receive a track & trace code. Please note that it may take a few hours before this link works. Via an email from DHL, you will be able to choose your delivery date, time window and location directly online. The day before delivery, you will receive an email with the scheduled delivery time. If that time is not convenient, you can immediately choose another time or location (for instance your neighbours) online (until 23:59 hours). So make sure you fill in your email address correct.

Missed delivery?
If you have missed the deliverer, you will receive an email. If you don't do anything, the deliveryman will try to deliver the package again the next day. However, if you wish, you can indicate via the link in the email that you would like to pick up your parcel the next day at your nearest DHL ServicePoint. You can also choose to change your delivery time or specify a different location (until 23:59 h). You can even change the delivery moment several times.

During the delivery process, you can also set notifications for relevant moments.

General delivery times:
  • Monday to Thursday: between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m.
  • Friday and Saturday: between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

REEF.eu doesn’t ship to:
  • United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Portugal
  • Helgoland (Germany)
  • Canary Islands (Spain)
  • Campione d'Italia, Livigno, San Marino and Vatican City (Italy)
  • Countries not mentioned in the first paragraph on costs


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